Top 7 Methods to Empower Employees

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

4. Reduce Business Process Training Time

A policies and procedures manual is a functional guide for training new and existing employees. It prevents difficulties in performing duties due to lack of understanding or inconsistent approaches from personnel changes. And it will assist you in developing a consistent method in handling any task.

5. Improve Productivity and Decision Making

Policies and procedures speed up employee decision making by having a handy, authoritative source for answering questions. Well-developed and documented manuals can ensure compliance with regulatory agencies affecting your business, includingrepparttar Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), government contracting authorities and independent certification organizations (i.e. ISO).

6. Strengthen Organization and Quality

A comprehensive manual covering all departments within an organization can become a "quality" manual forrepparttar 103268 whole company. This will help ensure optimal operations and consistent delivery ofrepparttar 103269 finest in product or service fromrepparttar 103270 company.

It will "empower” employees to make decisions independently withoutrepparttar 103271 need or time delays of involving various levels of management. A well thought out manual will enable just about everyone inrepparttar 103272 organizationrepparttar 103273 ability and flexibility to makerepparttar 103274 right decisions in his or her job responsibilities.

For example, a customer service representative should be able to handle a customer's problem and haverepparttar 103275 authority to resolverepparttar 103276 problem right onrepparttar 103277 spot. In addition, a production team should be able to diagnose a quality problem and formulate and resolverepparttar 103278 problem in conjunction with engineering without having to go through various channels up and downrepparttar 103279 corporate ladder.

7. Meet Objectives with Policies and Procedures Manual

The goal ofrepparttar 103280 policies and procedures manual is to identifyrepparttar 103281 ways and means of communicating, as well as gettingrepparttar 103282 service performed orrepparttar 103283 product manufactured atrepparttar 103284 least cost inrepparttar 103285 minimal amount of time. Not only will it be used to empowerrepparttar 103286 organization, but it will haverepparttar 103287 added benefit of increasing job satisfaction and employee morale.

Chris Anderson is the managing director of Bizmanualz, Inc. and co-author of policies and procedures manuals, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance.

To learn how to increase performance, visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Improving Your CEO Succession Odds

Written by Dr. Robert Karlsberg and Dr. Jane Adler

Continued from page 1

Unfortunately there are no tests forrepparttar specific skills a company needs in a top leader. The only way to determinerepparttar 103267 actual performance history for a candidate is to dig.

There are cases where incomplete due diligence has led to an inferior hiring decision. In one case, a company seeking a new CEO was interested in someone with a track record in forming global alliances. Less than 18 months laterrepparttar 103268 new CEO was out, after having botched critical relationships. As we found out in a historical review,repparttar 103269 CEO had relied on a director of his previous company – a powerful former ambassador – to forgerepparttar 103270 international alliances that led that company into new markets. This specific information was not uncovered until afterrepparttar 103271 hiring decision was made.

Obstacles to Internal Succession When a company is performing well, there is a tendency to look torepparttar 103272 incumbent for input in choosing a successor. But issues of loyalty and obligation to a second-in-command, and a natural tendency to push like-minded candidates, makerepparttar 103273 incumbent a less than objective analyst. The incumbent may also have some ambivalence about “passingrepparttar 103274 baton” and concerns about how his successor will represent him inrepparttar 103275 future.

There may also be a tendency to rely on senior management and HR for input. While it’s important that they not be cut out ofrepparttar 103276 succession process, they tend to identify good workers and implementers. While these individuals benefit any organization, they don’t necessarily makerepparttar 103277 best leaders. In-house problem-solvers are also often considered for top posts, but good problem-solving ability does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with effective long-range strategic thinking.

Using Independent Insight for Better Decisions An independent search consultant can spendrepparttar 103278 time necessary to objectively evaluate candidates’ strengths and performance records. An outsider can chart leadership development over decades, using exhaustive fact-finding and askingrepparttar 103279 kind of pointed questions about observed, measurable performance that insiders might find difficult to ask. The right consultant can also provide increased assurance of anonymity and thereby increaserepparttar 103280 likelihood of accurate assessments from superiors, subordinates and peers. Regardless whether a company limits itself to internal candidates or “goes to search,” an objective assessment is necessary. An independent consultant can assess candidates to ensure that all possibilities are considered, regardless ofrepparttar 103281 preferences of board members orrepparttar 103282 sitting CEO. The consultant serves as an unbiased, independent “voice” forrepparttar 103283 company, and has its interests as an exclusive priority.

Rather than attempting to fightrepparttar 103284 natural forces of human nature, board members need to be aware of their own biases, especially as they develop relationships with other stakeholders inrepparttar 103285 succession process. Using an independent consultant as an objective resource for identifying needs and analyzing candidate fit goes a long way toward demonstratingrepparttar 103286 fulfillment of directors’ fiduciary responsibility to makerepparttar 103287 best, impartial decisions inrepparttar 103288 shareholders interests.

© 2005 Dr. Robert Karlsberg & Dr. Jane Adler

Dr. Robert Karlsberg and Dr. Jane Adler are senior leadership consultants and founders of Strategic Leadership LLC. They work with senior executives to maximize performance, facilitate transitions and accelerate major change initiatives. Contact them at 301-530-5611 or visit

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